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Ewa Sadowska - Creation of Integration Centers for Intra EU-migrants

Dodano: 06 Listopad 10


 Creation of integration centers for intra EU-migrants in local partnerships within European Migrants' Integration Network. The Network is based on three major projects: 
1. Programme of Reconnection offers migrants in difficult social and economic situations in host countries an opportunity for a supported return to country of origin. Social and economic rehabilitation is offered upon return.

2. Programme of Social Economy Centres integrating with labour market those who "do not need to return home". Within Social Economy Centres vocational, therapeutic, psychological support is offered as well as help to develop own social enterprises by program participants. 
Centres help participants gain and maintain employment in host countries.

3. Educational training programme for leaders of civil society organisations and local borough councils preparing them for work with European migrants and for addressing their challenges within local partnerships and through system-based approaches. The training program of each study group includes training sessions in both receiving and hosting countries.

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